
Home News Marcom Analyzed The Sites Of More Than 30 Companies.

Marcom analyzed the sites of more than 30 companies.


Putting above the comfort of regular customers, Marcom conducted Google SEO analysis of websites of more than 30 companies in various fields. The initial analysis of Google SEO (search engine optimization) on the official websites of companies revealed many serious gaps. These gaps continue to interfere with the work of the marketing and sales department of many companies.

Meta Title, Meta Description, Keyword

On most sites, important to SEO Meta Title, Meta Description, Keyword search engines were not found. Meta Title - placed on the side of the site code to indicate in which section the user is located. Meta Description means a description and shows what each page of the site is about. Search engines get information about a page mainly from this page, providing initial search results in the search results. Keyword is one of the most important elements in SEO. Before creating each section of the site, you need to analyze what words are searched on this page. Each page should have its own keywords.

Can't track visitors on Facebook.

Research results show that on most of the company's websites, the facebook pixel code was not added during programming. Facebook's pixel code is used to track Facebook site visitors.

Sites are hidden from search engines.

Due to the lack of robots.txt and sitemap.xml files on their sites, many companies do not fall under the indexation of search engines such as Google, Yandex and others. This code indexes the site with search engine bots, which transfers links, text, and other information contained on the site to the search engine database. As a result, a user performing a search on the Internet stumbles upon a site (if there is information that he is looking for).

Note that the report on the results of the study was formally sent to the respective representative of each company. Companies that sale mostly online can contact Marcom for a deeper SEO analysis of their sites or visit the site’s SEO analysis section.